The Console has the capability for you to bulk edit your data, as well as bulk import data from spreadsheets.
The types of data you can currently administer this way are Users, Punches, Time Cards, Shift Schedules, Clock Logs, Jobs, Cost Codes, and Job Phases.
Bulk Edit Users
You can currently bulk edit Users, Jobs, Clock Logs, Punches, and Time Cards.
To bulk edit Users, go in the Console to Settings => Console => Users. Above the User list is a "Bulk Select" button:
Click on that "Bulk Select" button. There will the appear a checkbox on left side above every User in the list:
You can then check each User you want to edit, or click the top checkbox in the header row in order to select all Users. Note that by default only the first 50 Users are loaded into the list. If you have more than 50 Users and want to load more or all of them, then click on the "More results" button under the list until you have loaded all Users.
Once you have selected all the Users you want to edit, click on the right side of the yellow Bulk Action button above the list that is showing a down arrow. You will then see a menu containing the edit options that are currently supported:
Once you select an option in the menu, a modal window will open to configure the details and confirm. For example, if you select "Set Pay Class", you'll see something like the following:
Once you've set the Pay Class, click the "Apply" button to save the change to all selected users. The progress will be displayed:
Once complete, the list will show which Users were successfully updated. Any errors will be displayed. For example, if you tried to set the pay class on an Administrator (who is not also a Worker), then there will be a warning message "Not eligible for bulk action".
If at any time point, you want to clear your bulk selections and turn off the bulk edit mode, just click on the left side of the Bulk Action button to reset.
Bulk Edit Jobs
To bulk edit Jobs, go to Settings => Costing => Jobs. Similar to editing Users, you'll need to click on the "Bulk Select" button above the list, check all jobs you want to edit, and then click on the right side of the "Bulk Action" button:
Then click the specific Bulk Action you want to perform. A modal window will open to select any additional options and apply:
Bulk Edit Punches
To bulk edit Punches, go to Manage => Punches. Similar to editing Users, you'll need to click on the "Bulk Select" button above the list, check all punches you want to edit, and then click on the right side of the "Bulk Action" button:
There are currently three supported edit options:
- Attach to Shift - If you've recently turned on Shift Scheduling mode or have some Punches that were Out-Of-Shift, then you can use this option to attach those Punches to attach a Shift.
- Distribute Costing - This is an advanced feature that allows you to easily edit the job costing allocations for punches. For example, maybe all your workers clock into a single job for the day, and now you want to divide up that time across multiple job phases by hours or percentage of hours. See example screenshot below.
- Skip Breaks - If your shift classes have required breaks, you may have some days where workers are allowed to skip their breaks. You can use this edit option to not automatically remove the break. This option is also available for Time Cards as well. You may prefer to edit by Punch instead in order to filter by Job.
Bulk Edit Time Cards
To bulk edit Time Cards, go to Manage => Time Cards => . Similar to editing Users, you'll need to click on the "Bulk Select" button above the list, check all punches you want to edit, and then click on the right side of the "Bulk Action" button:
There are currently 4 edit options for Time Cards:
- Extend Shift - If some workers have a longer shift than usual, either earlier or later, then you can extend those shifts so they get paid for their work time. See screenshot example below of how to allow a shift to be extended an hour later than usual.
- Recalculate Shift - If you've changed Shift Class settings, those changes are not automatically retroactive to Punches and Time Cards already in the system. You can use this Bulk Edit option to apply the updated settings on those existing shifts.
- Set Shift Class - Change the Shift Class already assigned to existing Time Cards.
- Skip Breaks - If your shift classes have required breaks, you may have some days where workers are allowed to skip their breaks. You can use this edit option to not automatically remove the break. This option is also available for Time Cards as well. If you want to only Skip Breaks for certain jobs, then you may want to edit the Punches instead, because there is a Job filter for Punches.
Bulk Import Users
You can currently bulk import Users, Jobs, Punches, and Shift Schedules from a spreadsheet.
To bulk import Users, go in the Console to Settings => Users, click on the right side of the "Add User"
button above the list, and then click "Import from spreadsheet".
An import wizard will open, where you'll then be prompted to upload a spreadsheet file. There is also a button to download a sample template you can use to enter your Users. You don't have to use this exact template. The wizard will allow you to flexibly match up your spreadsheet columns to the proper fields in Fareclock.
You can also enter your users directly into a grid in the wizard, if you like.
Once you've uploaded the spreadsheet you'll then be able to match up the columns as you see fit.
Once you've matched or ignored each column, scroll to the bottom and click the "Review" button. Any validation errors will be highlighted. You'll have a final opportunity to make changes. If you didn't set a Pin for each worker, then there will be an option to assign a Random Pin. There will also be an option to copy the Pin to the Payroll ID field, and vice-versa.
Finally, click "Submit" and your workers be will imported. If there are any errors, they will be displayed.
Bulk Import Jobs
To bulk import Jobs, go in the Console to Settings => Jobs, click on the right side of the "Add Job" button above the list, and then click "Import from spreadsheet". Then complete the import wizard, similar to the way Users are imported.
The Job import wizard has a special feature option on the Review step called "Live job list". This option will allow you to import only your current active jobs. If the job already exists in Fareclock, it will remain. If the job was originally inactive, it will be activated. Any new jobs will be added. Any existing active jobs in Fareclock that are not in the spreadsheet will be deactivated.
Bulk Import Punches
To bulk import Punches, go in the Console to Manage => Raw Punches, click on the right side of the "Add Punch" button above the list, and then click "Import from spreadsheet". Then complete the import wizard, similar to the way Users are imported.
Bulk Import Shift Schedules
To bulk import Shift Schedules, go in the Console to Manage => Schedule, click on "Bulk Import" link in the blue ribbon near the top.
Then complete the import wizard, similar to the way Users are imported.
You can currently import single shift occurrences. We may in the future add the ability to import recurring schedules.
By default, these shifts will be added to any existing ones for those workers on those days. On the Review screen, there is an option to instead "Replace existing shifts". If that option is selected, it will automatically replace any existing single or recurring shifts on the days of the imported shifts. It will not affect any other days.
Roadmap & Feedback
There are many more opportunities to add further Bulk Editing & Importing capabilities. For example, we could add Bulk Editing to Devices, or add more edit options such as setting Personal Device Settings. We could also add the ability to import recurring shift schedules.
If you need any Bulk Editing or Importing capabilities that we do not currently offer, please get in touch with us by email at, and let us know! Our development roadmap is guided by customer feedback.
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