Near-field communication (NFC) tags are an up-close-and-personal type of wireless radio communication. They come in many forms. Here is an example sold on Amazon:
You can stick it on a badge or other medium of your preference. Each tag has a unique identifier that is enrolled per worker. Once enrolled, then worker would then hold it next to the mobile device with Fareclock running in order to clock IN/OUT.
The NFC tag can used as an alternative to entering the worker's PIN number, and used either in addition to or instead of face recognition.
The mobile device must also have an NFC sensor. Not all devices contain such a sensor, so you'll need to check your mobile device's product documentation if it is supported.
This feature is supported since Fareclock app version 3.1.
How to Enable
To enable NFC tags for your organization, sign in to the Console at, and go to Settings -> Devices -> Defaults -> Identity Settings:
There you can enable the NFC Tag feature:
By default, the worker will first be prompted in the app to use their PIN, but there will be a button in the upper right for them to switch to scanning an NFC Tag instead. The worker will only need to complete one of those two options. If you prefer for the worker to be prompted for NFC Tag first instead, and only PIN as a backup for that, then change the Authentication Order field above so that NFC Tag comes first. PIN must always be an option, so in this case, make it the second option.
How to Enroll Workers in Mobile App
After enabling NFC tags, you'll need to set up each worker with a unique NFC tag. That can be done either in the mobile app or in the Console.
To enroll worker QR codes in the mobile app, you'll first need to access the Workers list, from the left menu on the app's start screen. This screen is protected by administrator login:
If you are adding a brand new worker, you can tap on the + button in the upper right corner, and you'll be taken to a form to add the worker. Once you add the worker, then you can enroll the NFC Tag.
Otherwise, choose the worker whom you want to enroll from the list.
In the Worker Card page, push the NFC TAG button.
Then push the ENROLL NEW NFC TAG button
Hold the NFC tag near the device. Some devices require you to hold the NFC tag near the top edge of the device. Others require you to hold it somewhere on the back of the device. Check your device's product documentation for how to use this feature on that device.
One scanned, the Fareclock app will show a success message and display the NFC Tag ID for confirmation.
Enrollment is now complete!
How to Enroll Workers in Console
You can also enter each worker's NFC Tag ID in the Console. To do so, go to Settings => Users, and for each worker set up the NFC tag as follows:
To obtain the NFC Tag ID belonging to that worker, you can download the free "NFC Tools" available in both iOS and Android app stores. In that app, there is a button to "READ" a NFC tag and display its "Serial number". That is the NFC Tag ID. Enter this number into the "NFC Tag ID" field in the Console for that user.
How to Punch
Simply tap the Worker Start button from the start screen of the app, and the NFC Tag scanner will open:
The worker should scan their NFC tag in the exact same way done during enrollment above.
Note that if you have face recognition enabled, the NFC Tag scanning step may take place after the face recognition, depending on internet connectivity and whether the user was recognized.
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