The purpose of this article is to list and explain the meaning of the various configurations available in the Fareclock Admin Console. Here we list them section by section:
I. Settings
A. Administrators
i. List - list of all administrators and access to their settings
a. User Information
i. Admin ID: read-only value set by Fareclock to identify the admin
ii. Active: indicates that admin has not been deactivated
iii. First Name
iv. Last Name
v. Email: changing value may be restricted by account authentication domain setting
v. Authentication provider: read-only value determined when admin registered
C. Location Access
i. Allow all locations: Specifies whether admin can administrate all locations or not. What exactly admin can do at each location is determined by permissions enabled, as described in next session
ii. Available locations: If 'Allow all locations' is not checked, the locations specified here determines which locations the admin can administrate.
D. Permissions
i. Edit account: admin can edit settings in account tab, including billing information. At least one admin must always have this permission.
ii. Edit administrators: admin can add, edit and deactivate other administrators. At least one admin must always have this permission.
iii. Edit locations: admin can add, edit and deactivate locations at allowed locations.
iv. Edit clocks: admin can add, edit and deactivate clocks at allowed locations.
v. Edit employees: admin can add, edit and deactivate employees at allowed pay locations.
vi. Edit punches: admin can add, edit and approve/reject punches at allowed locations.
vii. Set up clocks: admin can login and setup clocks at allowed locations.
ii. Defaults
a. Authentication provider: Specify how an administrator may sign in to account. There is option to sign in via a Google or Yahoo account. Set to "Admin user choice" to not enforce. Does not apply to existing admins, only when new admin is added or an email address changes.
b. Authentication domain: Restrict administrator email address to be in a particular domain, such as your company's domain (e.g., Leave blank to not enforce.
B. Billing
i. Subscription - summary of your subscription
ii. Change Plan - upgrade/downgrade your subscription, or cancel service
iii. Payment Method - current payment method
iv. History - subscription history
C. Clocks
i. List - list of all clocks configured and access to their settings
a. Clock ID: read-only value set by Fareclock to identify the clock
b.. Active: indicates that clock has not been deactivated
c. Name
d. Restrict IP address: will restrict clock to be at specified IP Address
e. IP address: restricted IP address of clock
f. Local settings pin: after clock is already setup, this pin is used to login to clock to perform certain admin functions. To access settings mode on the clock, when clock screen shows "Tap to start" button, clock on tool icon in upper right. On authorized managers should have access to this pin number.
g. Override face settings defaults: specify different face settings than configured at account level
h. Face Mode: Level of face capture and analysis when employee logs into clock
ii. Defaults - default clock settings, some may be overridden per clock
a. Face Mode: Level of face capture and analysis when employee logs into clock
b. Allow employee to submit face verify failure to manager for approval
c. Minimum number of faces in model before recognition may fail: If an employee hass less faces than this number, than login passes silently and the punch is put on hold for manager review.
D. Company - basic account settings
i. Account ID: read-only value set by Fareclock to identify your account
ii. Company Name
iii. Default Timezone: not currently used, as each location specifies its timezone. but may be used in future.
E. Departments - list of employee departments
F. Employees
i. List - list of all employees configured and access to their settings
a. Employee Information
i. Employee ID: read-only value set by Fareclock to identify the employee
ii. Active: indicates that employee has not been deactivated
iii. First Name
iv. Last Name
v. Pay location: What location pays their salary. If company is not set up to pay by location, all employees could be set to one central location. This setting is used for reporting and filtering.
vi. Pin: used by employee to clock in and out.
b. Location Access
i. Allow all locations: Specifies whether employee can clock in and out all locations or not.
ii. Available locations: If 'Allow all locations' is not checked, the locations specified here determines which locations the employee can clock in and out of.
c. Face Model: shows face photos used by Fareclock to recognize employee at clock.
i. Face Tool: Used to perform action on uploaded photo. Purpose is for testing or to add new photos of employee separate from clock.
ii. Defaults - default employee settings
a. Pin length min and max: Required length range of employee pin numbers
G. Payroll
i. Schedule - payroll schedule settings
a. Pay period: Payroll frequency. Currently used to populate defaults for reports. May also be used in future for advanced business rules. Please send us feedback if you have a pay period that is currently unsupported.
b. Pay period starts on: What day does pay period begin on.
ii. Locations - list of payroll locations, used to partition employees for payroll reporting
a. ID: read-only value set by Fareclock to identify the location
b. Active: indicates that location has not been deactivated
c. Name
d. Timezone: used to compute date-times of clock punches at the location
II. Manage
A. Punches
i. Filter Punches: narrow down punches you want to view.
ii. Punch list: Click on '+' icon at top to create a new punch
a. Punch information
i. Punch ID: read-only value set by Fareclock to identify the punch
ii. Employee: name
iii. Pay location: of employee at time of punch (in case changed later)
iv. Status: Approved, Rejected, or Flagged
v. In & Out date/times, clock location, and any face errors
b. Face information
i. In & Out Flagged: whether punch is on hold due to face error
ii. Face Result: whether face was captured, detected, recognized, failed, or is in a processing status
iii. Faces: list of face photos. Click on '+' icon to add to employee face index to train for future recognitions.
iv. Approve/Reject button at bottom: Used for punches on hold for manager approval, or other need.
c. Advanced: read-only information about original source of punch
III. Reports
A. Report Filter: Narrow down to range of punches to report on. Defaults to account pay period.
B. To print report, click on print icon in upper right of grid.
C. To export report to Excel or your accounting software, click on disk icon in upper right of grid. (If your accounting system or other desired export format is not listed, please let us know! We are adding new export types upon customer request.)
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