Step 1: To make changes, click on the 'Breaks' tab above the settings.
Step 2: After that, click '+ Add Break'.
Optional: If you want to add a break in bulk, just click the downward arrow next to the '+ Add Break' button.
After that, click Import from spreadsheet:
A window will prompt you to send the spreadsheet to
Step 3: You need to name the break.
Step 4: Select the 'Break Window' option: either 'Time of day' or 'Relative duration'.
a. Time of day:
1. The break normally starts at: To automatically deduct the break or have the break paid, the worker must work past this specified time.
2. The break lasts for a duration of: For this setting, adjust the hours and/or minutes to define the break duration.
3. The break is paid: Checking this option marks the break as paid.
b. Relative duration:
1. The break normally starts at: To automatically deduct the break or have the break paid, the worker must work past this specified time.
2. The break lasts for a duration of: For this setting, adjust the hours and/or minutes to define the break duration. The first two settings are specified in the HH:MM format.
3. The break is paid: Checking this option marks the break as paid.
Step 5: Choose between "Manual Break" or "Automatic Break". You have the option to select either or both options.
a. Manual Break - Employees must punch out for their break. Specify if the break is "time-based" or "relative to shift" and set the time window for clocking out. Breaks outside this window are considered absences. Also, define the standard duration and maximum length of the break.
b. Automatic Break - Breaks don't require a punch-out; just set the length and start time relative to the shift.
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